Un indian pe Ceahlău

Avertizam acu ceva vreme că Maverick a intrat în România. A început să posteze poveştile de călătorie pe blogu-i. Când aveţi nevoie de un moment de relaxare, aventurile savuroase ale unui străin în colţurile cele mai depărtate ale României cred eu că vor fi un companion potrivit.

Vă prezint un fragment mai jos, din episodul 3, în trenul personal (!) Bacău-Piatra Neamţ.

„Towards the end of the carriage a group of 4-5 young girls is singing folk songs to a guitar. Their songs are lively, youthful and just pure fun to hear, and they keep going tirelessly from song to song. And once as they change the song yet again, I suddenly think „Wait! That tune sounds familiar.” It seems a little bit slower than I remember it, but…yes, I know it! Involuntarily and spontaneously, I break into „Cine trece valea seacă…”

I have barely uttered 2 words when I realize that the girls have stopped singing and it feels like all eyes in the coach are on me. Well, can’t stop now! So I keep going, „Cine trece valea seacă, cu hangeru fără teacă. Și cu pieptul dezvelit..” and signal with my hands for the girls to pick up the refrain „Andrii Popa cel vestit”. Sure enough, they pick it up, but they aren’t the only ones to do so. Many others join in – it’s as if the entire coach is singing now. It is surreal!

Even though I sing (read remember) only two paras of the song, I am showered with kisses, and offered pears, grapes, and sunflower seeds along the way – as if I am a homecoming hero or something. Ah, good thing I missed the 4.30am train, I think to myself.”

Iată linkurile către primele 3 episoade:

Bucureşti din nou

Bull country (Suceava & Voroneţ)

Pilgrimage (pe Ceahlău)

Când le pune şi pe celelalte, anunţ. Sistem „foileton” :).


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